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International Dialing Codes
If you need to make a phone call to someone in another country and you are not quite sure how to dial the number, then this service should hopefully help you. Our table contains country calling codes, international and national direct dialing prefixes. If you are not understand how use this, please see the definitions below.
Country Codes
The country calling code, or sometimes called the national prefix, is used to dial from one country to another. In most cases, a city or area code is followed after the country code. When a country name appears as a link in the table, there will be additional information regarding city or area codes.
International Direct Dialing
The International Direct Dialing prefix is the international access code that is used when dialing a call from one listed country to another. This is followed by the country code for the country you are calling (see above). The International Direct Dialing codes are changed on regular basis in most of countries. Therefore, those countries have multiple International Direct Dialings. Each one of Dialings are regulated by different long-distance carriers.
National Direct Dialing
The National Direct Dialing prefix is used to make a call within that country from one city to another (it may also be necessary when calling another city in the same vicinity). The National Direct Dialing access code is followed by the city or area code for the place you are calling. The city or area codes can be viewed by following the link from the country name on the table below. Phone numbers are often written in this format: +1-(0)3546-XXXX-XXXX. This example shows the numbers used for both international and national long-distance calls. +1 indicates the country code, while (0) indicates the National Direct Dialing. If you are calling from another country, the National Direct Dialing does not need to be used after dialing the country code. On the other hand, when dialing from within that country, the National Direct Dialing would be used and the country code is not. Note: all city or area codes used on this site are expressed for use in international calling. If you are dialing a national call, prefix the area/city code with the National Direct Dialing.
If you have questions about how to call from one country to another, click here.